Saturday, February 2, 2013

TMNT Shellraiser Van

Even the Ninja Turtles need something to ride around in.  Thankfully they have a state of the art armored van called the Shellraiser.
  Its a good size hunk of heavy duty plastic.  It features a front and back door, a trap door opening on the roof, and when activated a spring open side door that, your turtle can shoot out of when holding a bar inside the vehicle.  It also has a cannon on the top that fires missiles.
  Like all the other Turtle products it requires no batteries as it does nothing electronic.  Its basically just a giant piece of plastic the you can cram about 7 figures into.  I know this because that's how many my son got in the other day.
 It requires very little assembly.  Simply snap on the cannon, and a few tanks to the bumper and your done.  However you then have about 25 small stickers you need to apply.  These sell for $29.99
 Is it worth the money?  You bet!  It may not do anything, but if you child is a Ninja Turtle fan, they will no doubt have hours of fun playing with it.  My son has had his for a few months now and plays with it on almost a daily basis.
 Highly Recommended

Overall 3 out of 4 Stars!

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